Marina Guedouar - Agent Photo
Marina Guedouar
1 Renter Review
Agent Profile
Being an International Artist for 28 years, I have travelled around the World and I know what it takes to move places. On my first day in New York City (2005) I was mind blown by it grandness and architecture an since then, I have always loved to foot walk cross town streets and districts and listening to my favorite Gershwin Blue Rapsody with it full silver and gold orchestra bringing in full throat symphony New York map.
I have had my best years of my career life and I also met my now family in New York... I am proud to say that since 2015, when my baby girl was born, I have learnt about New York carrying parental side and I have met with dozens of communities in different sites of the city, helping friends from fellow families and just a Meetup groups, where I am an active leader since, with suggestions for apartments and just spending hours in research for my own family next house moves. Just recently I have got an opportunity to be invited under a great team of Citi Habitats and, though I was already with another agency in Brooklyn's Park Slope and Gowanus, I went. Because the idea of the team work is all about getting people what they want, all about human kindness and honesty and it is supported by enormous carefully built platform of knowledge and team training classes that do not stop for a day. Being a Citi Habitant I am proud to say that it fit with my approach of a human face of the rental business and nothing makes me happier then be treated the same way by the people whom I help to relocate and to settle- that is with respect, trust and a kind friendly smile :)
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