Katharina Kutschera - Agent Photo
Katharina Kutschera
City Connections Realty
Agent Profile
After growing up in Germany, Katharina moved to New York City from London with her family and made the Upper West Side her new home. While she is now a passionate New Yorker, her mediocre experience throughout her own relocation process would later be the introduction to her dedication to supporting families in making their move to the world's greatest city a smooth process.

Katharina has a long-standing experience in the interior design industry and is eager to help people find a new place that exactly meets their needs. She is committed to supporting families in not only finding their perfect new apartment but even more so in making New York City their new home.

In her spare time, Katharina enjoys life in Central Park, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends.
Time on RentHop: 7 Years 3 Months
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