Arsene Remy
Highline Residential - Prospect Heights Brooklyn
Agent Profile
"Home is where life happens. Home matters." Arsene never gives up on what he sets his mind to, or on what's in his client's heart. Clients matter just as much, and to them he brings passion, urgency and dedication to fulfilling their real estate needs.

Arsene is seasoned in the art of serving others. Every aspect of his diverse background is indicative of that, from working as an account manager at a credit counseling company, to years at a 411 call center, to supporting thousands across the globe in living their dreams as an assistant life coach.

His business, real estate and finance experience is just as extensive. Arsene was a business manager at an international ocean freight company, and has subsequently been involved in the real estate arena for over 15 years. Roles contributing to his expertise include that of assistant contractor at a family-owned home improvement company, assistant leasing representative with CompassRock at Stuytown Peter Cooper Village, and owner of Capital Equity Partners LLC, which conducts acquisitions for developers in NYC.

Born in Park Slope, Brooklyn, Arsene was raised in Queens and Nassau County, NY. He specializes in rentals and sales in Brooklyn and Queens, as well as investment property sales. A business major at Hofstra University, Arsene is expanding his knowledge in NYU's Real Estate Development and Real Estate Finance and Investments Certificate programs. He is fluent in English and Haitian Creole, volunteers in various capacities (renovating a women's shelter in Brooklyn and fundraising for an elementary school in Haiti), plus is an avid middle distance runner with great strength, tenacity and discipline.
Time on RentHop: 7 Years
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