Arlind - Agent Photo
1 Renter Review
Agent Profile
Arlind was born in Kosovo and began developing his customer service skills at the age of twelve while working in his family's store. Rather than become a lawyer like his father, he decided to major in International Management where he learned to be sensitive to the attitudes, beliefs, values and needs of people of all cultural backgrounds. While still a teenager, Arlind moved to the United States by himself. His number one goal was to invest in a career that brought him joy and offered him the opportunity to help others both honestly and ethically. As a licensed real estate agent, he is well aware that New York can be overwhelming and finding a place to live can be equally challenging. He is passionate about finding you your dream home, and is determined to make the process as fluid and flawless as possible. Arlind is bilingual in Albanian and English and speaks some Spanish.  
Time on RentHop: 7 Years 4 Months
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