Mariah Otero - Agent Photo
Mariah Otero
Agent Profile
Mariah is a true New Yorker, born and raised on the Upper West Side and still residing there in the same building she grew up in. It's no wonder that when she entered the real estate field, she decided to specialize on the Upper West Side which she knows like the back of her hand, where she handles rentals and sales.

Coming from a selling background, and inspired by a mother in real estate, Mariah understands the importance of great customer service and knows how to close a transaction. Prior to real estate, she worked in the world of retail sales, and always met and exceeded her sales goals.

"I am dedicated to listening to your needs and preferences in a home, and finding the perfect property and neighborhood based on your lifestyle and interests. What you want, and what is best for you, is my priority; and no matter how many tries it takes, we'll secure exactly what you're looking for and make the process fun."

Mariah holds an Associate's Degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and speaks Spanish as well as English. She loves spending free time with her four pups, and volunteering at animal shelters. Reading and writing are also among her favorite hobbies.
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish
Time on RentHop: 4 Years 11 Months
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