Geraldine Valdez - Agent Photo
Geraldine Valdez
Spire Group
1 Renter Review
Agent Profile
Geraldine is a  charismatic and energetic individual who has the ability to converse and connect with different type of people making her a rare gem. Geraldine grew up in South Jersey and migrated to New York City 7 years ago. Genuinely loving exploring the city and its boroughs, Geraldine was able to connect her love of real estate with finance and great customer service.Geraldine's abilities and over 12 years of banking and real estate experience has help mold her into the perfect agent for your rental and/or sales needs. In her eyes everyday is an adventure and an opportunity to help someone find a place to call home.
Languages Spoken: English Spanish
Time on RentHop: 1 Year 5 Months
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