
Did you see us in the Wall Street Journal?

Photo via Natalie Keyssar for the Wall Street Journal We talked about the challenging year ahead for NYC renters. Read it here. For a full rundown of our 2013 predictions for the rental market, check out our last post.

RentHop + Chicago = Awesome

Bulls, Bears, Fans of Ferris Bueller, We'd like to announce that RentHop is officially launching in Chicago today! Nice to meet you, Windy City Hoppers. We already know what makes Chicago great (Wieners Circle, the Art Institute, ChicAGoGo), but here's a little...

And the NYC RentHop Winner is….

Congratulations to Guillaume Derouet for posting our one millionth New York City rental listing! We actually didn't expect to cross the mark until near the end of the month, but the renter AND landlord activity has been growing at a...

Nearing one million posts since inception!

Within the next few days, we are expecting to reach our one millionth NYC apartment listing ever posted on!  If you are the lucky landlord or broker to hit the big million, then let us know and we'll...

Nothing wrong with paying a fee

Over the past month, we've had a lot of users come to us looking for only "no-fee" apartments. However, after speaking with them, we realized there was a misconception of the whole fee/no-fee concept. Today, I'm going to write...