
Apartment Resolutions for 2017

Many of us have a tendency to make resolutions for the new year and the majority of these resolutions revolve around becoming a healthier you. While these goals are definitely something to strive for, what about starting with the...

Reddit’s 9 Funniest Roommate Horror Stories

Behold, it's Friday the 13th. We've been taught to fear the day as it is associated with unlucky and "scary" events. Well, nothing's really scarier than horrible roommates is there? If you've ever had a bad roommate, you're not alone....

Some Friday Giggles

Wishing you a happy Friday and a fabulous weekend from your friends at RentHop! 1. When you claim to be a tank and your friends decide to test you one shot at a time 2. When someone tells me that they work in...

Some Friday Giggles

The good, the bad, and the weird things that happen to New Yorkers. 1. When you hear it's a coworker's birthday and there's cake in the conference room 2. When they mess up your order and forget to make it pumpkin...

Nightmare roommate(s)? Tell us more!!

As much as we love a good roommate story, we almost love a bad roommate story more.   If you're willing to share (and change names to protect the moderately guilty), we'd love to hear about it.  Go on...

Broker Poker Tourney?!?

Manhattan real estate seems to be on the verge of a bottom, if not already there.  Sure, you can point to economic data, jobs reports, the S&P rally, inflation expectations, and disappearing landlord concessions.  These are all valid supporting...