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5 Cheap and Easy Methods to Sound and Light Proof Any Bedroom

Living with roommates in a house/apartment that isn’t particularly well-constructed is kind of an inevitable part of renting. The major upside is that you save a ton of money on rent, but the downside is that all roommates like...

10 Tips for Making a Tiny Apartment Feel Spacious

If there's one thing that everyone can agree on, it's that people like living in pretty, bright, open, and welcoming spaces. We all like living in large and luxurious spaces, but sometimes either money or location makes this impossible. Fortunately,...

5 Hidden Apartment Storage Spots You’re Not Using to Their Full Potential

So you’re moving apartments and you found the perfect new place — plenty of natural light, an open floor plan, and easy access to your favorite city resources. There’s just one problem: the apartment lacks storage space. But you don’t need...

Five Creative Ways to Save Money and Space in Your Apartment

We know that saving money is a constant struggle. Life's expensive, especially in cities like New York, Boston and Chicago. Equally, everyone wants more and better space in their homes. (We can help with that!) We at RentHop put...

6 Clever Hacks for Making Your Apartment Look Larger

Miles Young is a freelance business writer and home decor enthusiast. You can follow him on Twitter at @MrMilesYoung. By Miles Young The true trick to having your dream apartment space isn't to have the perfect location and an unlimited budget --...