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Rental Glossary

Doorman Vs. Live-In Super

Whether you have a doorman or a live-in supper, consider yourself lucky. Even though it is more common than not to have one or the other, a lot of New York City apartments do not have either. But, the...

Pullman Kitchen vs Galley Kitchen

The kitchen can easily be considered the backbone of a home. It is a sacred space in which one could explore the possibilities of a lifetime, sharing their findings with any and all loved ones that enter their dwelling....

The Definition and Legality of Key Money

Trying to rent a home in New York City can be a hassle. You’ll need to find a borough to live in, browse through the spaces available, make sure what you’re signing is not a scam, and dread the...

Guarantor Vs. Cosigner: What You Need To Know

If you are reading this article, I assume you are getting ready to sign a lease. Congratulations! The hardest part is nearly over. I’ve been there. I can empathize with the stress that comes hand-in-hand with looking for an...

My Latest Favorite Google Search: What is Renter’s Insurance and Why Do I Need It?

Like you and many others that will be reading this article, I am currently looking for a place to live in NYC. This is a completely different playing field than what I was used to in college. Back then,...

What Are Two-Up Two-Down Apartments?

Like the Manhattan Classic Six, there is a particular floorplan jargon that is extremely common in prewar London. It's called the Two-Up, Two-Down row house. It refers to having no neighbors above and below you, but almost...