Average Rent in 10280, New York, NY

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Current Versus Historical 10280, New York, NY Rents

10280 rentals average $3,900 for a studio rental to $0 for a 3-bedroom rental. The median price of all currently available listings is $5,260, or roughly $7 per square feet.
For the apartment units and housing in February 2025, median rents have risen substantially over the last year. Studio rentals prices have increased by $307 (8.71%) year-over-year from $3,522 to $3,829. 1-bedroom rentals prices have increased by $979 (23.23%) year-over-year from $4,216 to $5,195. 2-bedroom rentals prices have increased by $1,117 (18.83%) year-over-year from $5,935 to $7,053. 3-bedroom rentals prices have increased by $2,616 (34.02%) year-over-year from $7,689 to $10,305. 4-bedroom rentals prices have decreased by $9,538 (-57.92%) year-over-year from $16,467 to $6,929. Note that this figure includes all active and rented listings throughout the month.
Month-to-month, seasonality might have a bigger impact than overall trend price changes. Studio rents have gone up by 1.42% this month. 1-bedroom rents have gone up by 9.11% this month. 2-bedroom rents have gone up by 5.03% this month. 3-bedroom rents have gone up by 3.28% this month. 4-bedroom rents have gone down by 34.75% this month.
Price / Sqft
Feb 2025 Rent 1 Yr Ago Rent (% +/-) 3 Yr Ago Rent (% +/-)
Studio $6.76 $3,829 $3,522 (8.71%) $3,453 (10.86%)
1 BR $6.72 $5,195 $4,216 (23.23%) $4,168 (24.63%)
2 BR $6.75 $7,053 $5,935 (18.83%) $5,810 (21.39%)

Historical Rents in 10280, New York, NY

1 Bed
2 Bed
3 Bed
4 Bed

Top Cities Near 10280

There are a total of 20 cities nearby 10280. The average rent in 10280 is currently $4,135 per month. A total of 15 cities nearby have an average rent lower than that. Our records show that Bridgeport, CT, with an average rent of $2,200, is the most affordable city nearby. In contrast, the most expensive city near 10280, New York, NY is Spring Lake, NJ. Monthly rents here are on average $9,500 per month.

Let's compare 10280, New York, NY's rent against other top cities nearby by bedroom size. Typically, rent for studios in 10280, New York, NY is 61.70% more expensive than other cities nearby. One bedrooms are about 44.83% more expensive. Two bedrooms in 10280, New York, NY are about 48.85% more expensive. Finally, rent for three bedrooms are about inf% more affordable. Want more information? Check out the top 10 cities out of 20 total cities near 10280, New York, NY in the following chart.
City Studio 1 Bed 2 Bed All
Yonkers, NY $1,973 $2,300 $2,700 $2,773
White Plains, NY $2,125 $2,700 $3,500 $3,141
Asbury Park, NJ $1,800 $2,175 $3,625 $3,325
Long Beach, NY $1,998 $2,700 $3,500 $3,500
Glen Cove, NY $2,550 $3,200 $3,600 $3,500
Oakhurst, NJ N/A N/A N/A $4,000
New York, NY $3,417 $4,250 $5,442 $4,269
Long Branch, NJ N/A $3,100 $4,300 $4,300
New Rochelle, NY $2,789 $3,100 $4,449 $4,359
Harrison, NY $2,718 $2,968 $4,083 $4,500

Top Neighborhoods Near 10280

There are a total of 53 neighborhoods in or near 10280. Some of these neighborhoods include Flatbush, East Harlem, and Bedford-Stuyvesant. We've included the top 30 neighborhoods out of 53 total neighborhoods in or near 10280, New York, NY in the following chart.

The average rent for these 30 neighborhoods in or near 10280, New York, NY is currently around $4,400 per month. A total of 43 neighborhoods have a lower average rent. Out of all the neighborhoods in or near 10280, East Side has the most affordable average rent at $2,250 per month. Whereas, at $8,500 average rent per month, Ocean Beach is the most expensive neighborhood in or near 10280. View the following chart for more information.
Neighborhood Studio 1 Bed 2 Bed All
Flatbush, New York, NY $2,581 $2,833 $3,200 $3,000
East Harlem, New York, NY $3,000 $2,750 $3,195 $3,200
Bedford-Stuyvesant, New York, NY $2,467 $3,000 $3,100 $3,200
Harlem, New York, NY $2,617 $2,822 $3,200 $3,250
Central Harlem, New York, NY $2,598 $2,950 $3,328 $3,300
Bushwick, New York, NY $2,795 $3,300 $3,299 $3,300
Crown Heights, New York, NY $2,931 $2,999 $3,800 $3,350
West Harlem, New York, NY $2,575 $2,820 $3,425 $3,470
Upper East Side, New York, NY $3,295 $4,090 $5,450 $4,074
Long Island City, New York, NY $3,322 $4,000 $5,779 $4,094
Murray Hill, New York, NY $3,388 $4,500 $6,650 $4,150
Little Italy, New York, NY $3,250 $4,250 $5,495 $4,250
Hell's Kitchen, New York, NY $3,400 $4,095 $5,858 $4,274
Prospect Heights, New York, NY $3,630 $4,395 $5,795 $4,300
Downtown Brooklyn, New York, NY $3,331 $4,295 $5,818 $4,400
Financial District, New York, NY $3,497 $4,550 $6,498 $4,416
East Village, New York, NY $2,995 $3,795 $4,750 $4,495
Kips Bay, New York, NY $3,785 $3,995 $5,360 $4,500
Upper West Side, New York, NY $3,108 $4,495 $6,995 $4,583
Hudson Yards, New York, NY $3,800 $4,795 $7,000 $4,750
Williamsburg, New York, NY $3,869 $4,685 $5,600 $4,853
Lower East Side, New York, NY $3,413 $3,750 $4,995 $4,995
NoLita, New York, NY N/A $4,695 $5,695 $4,995
Midtown, New York, NY $3,675 $4,500 $6,950 $5,050
Midtown East, New York, NY $3,325 $4,550 $6,075 $5,150
Chelsea, New York, NY $3,950 $5,650 $7,783 $5,268
West Village, New York, NY $4,850 $5,500 $6,500 $5,500
NoMad, New York, NY $4,420 $5,662 $8,738 $5,638
Greenwich Village, New York, NY $3,500 $5,650 $7,000 $5,650
Gramercy Park, New York, NY $3,600 $5,550 $5,865 $5,798

Top Counties Near 10280

There are a total of 53 counties located by 10280, New York, NY. Some of these counties include Woodbridge, NJ, Yonkers, NY, and Bronx, New York, NY. The average rent for rentals in these counties is $3,500. That's roughly around $3 per sqft. A total of 29 counties have a lower average rent. The county that is the most affordable is Bridgeport, CT. It's average rent per month is $2,200. Vice versa, with an average rent of $9,500, Spring Lake, NJ is the most expensive county by 10280, New York, NY.

Typically, rent for studios in 10280, New York, NY is 53.85% more expensive than other counties nearby. In comparison, rent for one bedroom listings in 10280, New York, NY is 45.84% more expensive than other counties nearby. Finally, rent for two bedrooms in 10280, New York, NY is 53.89% more expensive than other counties nearby. We've listed the top 10 counties in the chart below.
County Studio 1 Bed 2 Bed All
Woodbridge, NJ N/A $1,900 $2,595 $2,700
Yonkers, NY $1,973 $2,300 $2,700 $2,773
Bronx, New York, NY $2,200 $2,487 $3,000 $3,053
Queens, New York, NY $2,926 $3,000 $3,393 $3,300
Long Beach, NY $1,998 $2,700 $3,500 $3,500
Hempstead, NY $2,000 $2,548 $3,200 $3,500
Brooklyn, New York, NY $3,421 $3,800 $4,136 $3,850
New Rochelle, NY $2,789 $3,100 $4,449 $4,359
North Hempstead, NY $2,500 $3,400 $3,913 $4,500
Manhattan, New York, NY $3,475 $4,495 $5,900 $4,595

Top Zipcodes Near 10280

There are a total of 5 zipcodes in or near 10280, New York, NY. The average rent for all of these zipcodes is $3,125. A total of 5 zipcodes have a average rent that is lower than that. The zipcode with the most affordable average rent for apartment listings is 10035, New York, NY at $2,985 per month. In comparison, the zipcode with the most expensive average rent of $4,650 per month is 10023, New York, NY.

Studios in these zipcodes have an average rent of $2,720. That's at least $5 per sqft. Do you need more space than that? Average rent for one bedroom rentals for the zipcodes in or near 10280, New York, NY is $2,750 per month. Or in other words, $4 per sqft. Meanwhile, two bedroom apartments will cost you an average of $3,400 per month. Which comes out to $3 per sqft. The following chart includes the top 5 zipcodes in 10280, New York, NY. You can view the average rent breakdown for each zipcode by bedroom size.
Zipcode Studio 1 Bed 2 Bed All
10128, New York, NY $3,300 $4,149 $5,675 $3,900
10023, New York, NY $3,229 $4,967 $8,025 $4,650
11375, New York, NY $2,720 $2,750 $3,400 $3,000
10035, New York, NY $2,275 $2,750 $3,225 $2,985
10463, New York, NY $2,600 $2,665 $3,350 $3,125

Frequently Asked Questions - 10280 Average Rents

What is the average rent price in 10280, New York, NY?
The average monthly rental price for 10280, New York, NY apartments for rent is approximately $5,260. This calculation takes into consideration rental listings of varying bedroom/bathroom sizes, building types, and locations.
Do 10280, New York, NY rent prices drop in winter?
Yes! On average we see a 3.4% drop in rental prices between the peak summer months and the slower winter months. With the added bonus of decreased competition from other renters looking to move, winter is generally considered the best time of the year to find an apartment for rent in 10280, New York, NY.
How much is a studio apartment in 10280, New York, NY?
The average monthly rental price for studio apartments is $3,900 and an average price per square feet of $6.76. There are a total of 3 studio apartment listings currently available for rent in 10280.
How much is a one bedroom apartment in 10280, New York, NY?
The average monthly rental price for one bedroom apartments is $4,985 and an average price per square feet of $6.72. There are a total of 21 one bedroom apartment listings currently available for rent in 10280.
How much is a two bedroom apartment in 10280, New York, NY?
The average monthly rental price for two bedroom apartments is $6,940 and an average price per square feet of $6.75. There are a total of 11 two bedroom apartment listings currently available for rent in 10280.
How have rent prices in 10280, New York, NY changed this year?
Rent prices for rentals in 10280, New York, NY can fluctuate yearly. Specifically, studio rental prices have changed by 0.09%, one bedroom rental prices have changed by 0.23%, two bedroom rental prices have changed by 0.19%, and three bedroom rental prices have changed by 0.34% year-over-year.
What is a reasonable rent price in 10280, New York, NY?
A reasonable rent price in 10280, New York, NY is around $4,208/month. You can search for these reasonably priced rental listings on RentHop.
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